We offer a 11-day and 9-day moose hunt, each have two days of travel. 11 day trip is 9 hunting days and the 9 day trip has 7 hunting days. The travel days are to allow for the logistics on change hunt days and for guides to catch up on what needs to be done while finishing up a hunt or starting a hunt.

Moose Hunt - 11 Day
By Horse - Boat - Argo
- August 25th - September 5th
- September 5th - September 15th
- September 13th - September 24th
- September 15th - September 25th
- September 24th - October 5/6th
- September 25th - October 5th
The 11-day moose hunts are offered by horseback, boats and argo. The horseback hunt is the only hunt to combo the moose, caribou and grizzly at the same time. The combo hunts work best starting August 25th when the days are longer, and they end Oct 5th. The horseback hunts all run with a guide and a wrangler. We have 36 head of fine mountain horses and run up to 4 pack strings; 4 separate pack strings often with only one hunter in each camp. These hunts can be based from a cabin but often if the hunters willing, we will spike out if we need to, as the game does move. Two pack strings operate in our caribou combo country where we have caribou tags. Often without cabins, but with comfortable heated wall tents that we can break down and move about the area. On these hunts, hunters could stay together or split up. I recommend being flexible to split up to cover more country and ensure the highest success rate.
The lake hunts have very comfortable cabin camps and we can take one or two hunters or a hunter and a non-hunter from a chosen location. These hunts start Sept 5th and end Oct 5th & 6th. Grizzly can also be taken as a combo on this these hunts with harvest fee terms.
Argo hunts start Sept 25th and we offer a limited number of these each year, they are also done with a wall tent accommodation's and often a mobile camp. Grizzly can be added to the argo hunt or done solo as a primary animal.

Moose Hunt - 9 Day
- September 16th - September 24th
- September 24th - October 2nd
The 9-day moose hunts are set up for those that can't stay as long with us and to allow us time to offset with the rotation of hunters. We primary use jet boats on the rivers and hunt from comfortable wall tent camps & cabins. All hunts are one hunter to one guide and we are set up to handle up to two hunters from a camp or one just one hunter at any one time. These details are often decided at the time of booking. Hunters enjoy this hunt as there is often access to many miles of rivers to hunt, the hunt can also be done as a combo with a grizzly. We offer these hunts in mid-September starting the 16th to Oct 2nd.

Mountain Caribou
By Horse or Argo
- August 25th - September 5th
- September 5th - September 15th
- September 15th - September 25th
- September 25th - October 5th
Mountain Caribou
By Horse or Argo
- August 25th - September 5th
- September 5th - September 15th
- September 15th - September 25th
- September 25th - October 5th
11-day Mountain Caribou hunts, this is a fun hunt, packed with adventure. We use horses on these hunts and travel the plateaus glassing for bachelor groups of bulls in the early season. As the fall moves on, the herd increase to high numbers moving around the plateaus. The success is almost 100% and they are perfect for any combo species we offer. We start hunting Caribou in August, with our last hunt ending on Oct 5th. Our trophy quality is as good as anywhere. We are often in wall tents and cabins pending on the location of the horse pack train when you arrive.
Spring Grizzly
- April 15th - April 25th
- May 23rd - June 3rd
- June 5th - June 15th
Grizzly 10-day hunts with 2 travel days. Spring grizzly hunts are done by jet boat running the rivers with a mobile tent camp. This time of year, the grizzlies are found on the hill sides and the shorelines after the long winters looking for carcasses of game that didn't make the winter, or fresh growth from the new greens that are appearing; as spring moves along, they can be found pursuing the moose calves that are just being born.

Fall Grizzly
- August 25th - September 5th
- September 5th - September 15th
- September 15th - September 25th
- September 25th - October 5th
Fall Grizzly hunts 11 days are done by horseback, argo, and back pack. Our most popular date is August 25th when the berries are starting into full swing and the green grass is part of their diets in the high country alpine. As the fall draws on, the bears move onto feeding on big game animals, trying to fatten up for winter.

Late Season Moose, Caribou & Sheep
By Horse or Argo
- October 8th - October 15th
- October 15th - October 22nd
- October 24th - October 31st


Winter Trap Lines
- Trips take place in February and March
- Please contact us to see available dates

Yukon Big Game Outfitters Ltd.PO Box 38Whitehorse, YT. Y1A 5X9

Yukon Big Game Outfitters Ltd.PO Box 38Whitehorse, YT. Y1A 5X9